Ic1396 Elephant Trunk nebula


The elephant trunk nebula, ic1396 is a dense pillar of cloud which is being ionized by the massive bright blue star HD206267 on the right, creating the halo of glowing light around its rim. Inside the head of the nebula are two young stars that have formed in the last couple of million years which have blown away a small circular cavity in the cloud. The combined pressure of the ionizing star and the young stars at the centre are compacting the gas in the nebula creating ideal conditions for further star birth.

Tal-2 telescope 1200mm f/8

Heq5 mount

~4h exposure time in LRHaGB with a ZWO ASI1600mm

Processed with Astropixelprocessor, Pixinsight, and Photoshop


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Mark Cheverton

Mark Cheverton

Sharing my exploration of deep sky astrophotography from my backyard in Cambridge UK.

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Taken At Mon, Nov 9, 2020 7:49 PM


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